Moving steel statues of a ‘Man and Woman’ portray a tragic love story

Two tall steel sculptures of a Muslim man named Ali, and a Georgian princess, Nino, from a famous 1937 novel by mysterious Azerbaijani author Kurban Said move around beautifully in the seaside city of Batumi, Georgia. The 8 meter (26 foot) tall sculptures are called “Man and Woman”. Created by the popular by Georgian sculptor Tamara Kvesitadze, the awe-inspiring moving steel sculptures portray the tragic story of the two loverswho were separated by the invasion of Soviet Russia according to the famous novel.


The statues start moving around at 7 p.m. Standing facing each other in a short embrace, the two leaving each other behind.


The movement completes in ten minutes.


Designed in 2007, the statues were installed in 2010.


The statues have been re-titled as Ali and Nino. 


“Ali and Nino” embrace, before passing through each other.


They symbolizes the tragic separation of Ali and Nino after the Soviet Invasion.


You can watch the the statues moving in this video.