15 types of people you are bound to find in all the parties!



Parties are places where you get to meet a lot of people; a lot of different people. from dancers to loners, from photographers to photo-bombers, it is one good place where people from different walks of life unite to have fun and forget miseries.

If you’ve been to parties, be it one or a million, you definitely get to see these 15 people for sure-

1. The ones with a DSLR
Flash! Flash! Flash! You’ll find them in every disk, clicking pictures of almost everything and everyone.


2. The selfie clickers
This is a new breed of camera lovers, who just can’t get over themselves. They’ll click a selfie for every dance move and instantly put them up on their Facebook and Instagram.


3. The hard core dancers
These guys don’t give a damn about the world. Dancing like maniacs is what they do. You’ll find them madly dancing to every beat played by the DJ!


4. The thinkers
They stand near the bar with a drink in their hand and thoughts all over their face! Yes, that’s what they do. They don’t dance, nor they drink too much. They just observe and look around, thinking…


5. The lookers
There will always be a group of guys or girls who come to parties to check-out hotties!



6. The alcohol lovers
Aaah, they just have fun getting drunk in the pool of alcohol and have fun seeing others having fun.


7. The music lovers
They nod their heads with every beat and play the imaginary piano notes in air, as when the DJ does some mix with his/her console.


8. The managers
Their job is to make sure everything is in place.


9. The drunk dancers
These guys don’t open up in the beginning but alcohol does the trick. As soon as they are sloshed, they just get on the dance floor and bang their heads off!


10. The loners
These people just want to be left alone. They do their own thing. Even if they come in a group, they make sure to have a lonely spot in the party.

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11. DJ’s girlfriend/boyfriend
These guys are quite protective of their girlfriend/boyfriend, who also happens to be a DJ. Their favorite spot is near their ‘love’, making sure that no bad element in the crowd bothers them.


12. The wannabe models/studs
They will always come in the best of their clothes and a neat body. You will easily know that they are models and strugglers in the industry.


13. The lone dancers
These people come alone in parties and dance alone as well! They don’t need company or probably don’t have company.


14. The non-party people
These guys don’t like parties and disks. All they want to do is go out but are always dragged inside by their friends. You can easily spot them with lost expressions and sulky faces.


15. The non dancers
They don’t know how to dance. Yes, they have the worst dance moves. Dancing is something that makes them feel awkward, so they choose to make weird moves and have fun!


And for all those who’ve been to more parties than me, if you think I missed out on special types of people, feel free to share it with me in the comments section below.

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