This video of blind sisters seeing each other for the first time is absolutely priceless

I remember, there was an ad which had a tag line ” there are some things money can’t buy and for everything else there is a credit card”. Today after watching this video it suddenly clicked that how true is that. One can not buy an eye sight, but one can definitely buy eyes.

These two girls, Anita and Soniya, who might have never dreamed to ever see from their eyes are just busy making up for their lost time to see all the colors, patterns, nature and more importantly, their parents. This would have never been possible for this sister duo, but with the help of 20/20/20, a charity that helps people like Soniya and Anita to gain their eye sights, they are not left in the dark corners of blindness.

Being blind is an unfortunate thing, but as the old saying goes, when god makes you short in something, he makes up for it in other things.

After watching this I am determined to help people in need, and if you also want to do the same, do share this video with your friends and family and don’t forget to make a donation your self!